From Kind of Magic Welsh Springer Spaniels

Papermoon from Kind of Magic


Nieuwe Vaart 100 5161 RK SPRANG-CAPELLE
Geboren op 06-04-2019
Eig.: K. v.d. Caaij
Heupen: A Ogen: Vrij, incl. Gonio

Guilty Pleasure Des Vauriennes
Fable of the Rose from Kind of Magic
Geboren op 06-04-2019
Eig.: K. v.d. Caaij
Heupen: A Ogen: Vrij, incl. Gonio
Papermoon from Kind of Magic

Adres: Nieuwe Vaart 100, 5161 RK SPRANG-CAPELLE

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Guilty Pleasure Des Vauriennes
Benton Kansas Storm
Churnwood It’s All Talk
Autumn Storm from Kind of Magic
Tremletts Bell from Kind of Magic
Benton Everybody Duck
Benton Delaware Storm
Wild Chase Des Vauriennes
Twigle One More Talk
Wild Chase Des Vauriennes
Jonabel from Kind of Magic
Ferndel Aeron Magregor
Jonabel from Kind of Magic
Fable of the Rose from Kind of Magic
From Kind of Magic Welsh Springer Spaniel