From Kind of Magic Welsh Springer Spaniels


Nieuwe Vaart 100 5161 RK SPRANG-CAPELLE

Het C-nest (3-2)

Samori Senna of Rowan's Residence HD B, Ogen: PRA + CAT vrij
Kamp. Lathyrus of the Yasmin Garden HD B, Ogen: Vrij
Geboren op 09-09-2001
Celtic Cayen from Kind Of Magic "Cayen”
Celtic Luke from Kind Of Magic: "Luke"
Celtic Max from Kind Of Magic "Max"
Classic Dalili from Kind Of Magic "Lili"
Classic Kelta from Kind Of Magic "Laila"

Geboren op 09-09-2001

Het C-nest (3-2)

Adres: Nieuwe Vaart 100, 5161 RK SPRANG-CAPELLE

Email :

Samori Senna of Rowan's Residence HD B, Ogen: PRA + CAT vrij
Kamp. Lathyrus of the Yasmin Garden HD B, Ogen: Vrij
Celtic Cayen from Kind Of Magic "Cayen”
Celtic Luke from Kind Of Magic: "Luke"
Celtic Max from Kind Of Magic "Max"
Classic Dalili from Kind Of Magic "Lili"
Classic Kelta from Kind Of Magic "Laila"
Lathyrus of the Yasmin Garden
Northoaks Sea Sun Flower
Taimere’s Tertia
Wesley of Rowan’s Residence
Kazval Cafe Solo
Weslave Weeping Willow
Northoaks Sea Breeze
Fiveacres Firecrest
Firebrand Freesia from Taimere
Mapleby Postmaster
Chinese Rose of the Yasmin Garden
Ferndel Freshman
Kazval Kamal On Nyliram
Samori Senna of Rowan’s Residence
From Kind of Magic Welsh Springer Spaniel